About Us

Library Info

Every day across the country, libraries are meeting the needs of their communities by providing a wide range of services for people of all ages and backgrounds. The public library plays an even more important role as Americans face tough economic times. Patrons are visiting their library for more than borrowing books, movies, CDs and attending free reading programs. Libraries offer access to computers and the internet, financial literacy skills, assistance with job searches, and resources to help small businesses.

An investment in libraries is an investment in the community.

Hours of Operation

We’re open Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm and Saturdays 9 am to noon.

We are closed on Fridays and Sundays and most major holidays.

Beaver County Pioneer Library Board

Meeting Dates for 2025:

The Library Board of Trustees will meet six times during the year 2025 to discuss the budgetary, materials selection and technology issues of the library.  Other issues relating to the day-to-day operations such as the Summer Reading Program and other programs may also be discussed at the appropriate times.  The Board meets the second Tuesday of even-number months.

Thank you for your attention to these dates.  Your attendance is vitally important to our Library.

We have 3 districts 2 members in each district.  

Board Members

Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda

Board of Trustees

Tuesday February 11, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Old Business

III. New Business

Library Board Minutes

Meeting called to Order by Denise Janko on February 11, 2025, at the Beaver Co. Library.

Present:  Karen Meier, Rosie Smith, Kerry Radcliff, and Jackie Depew.  Briana Brown and Kerry Hamilton were absent.

Minutes for the December 10, 2024, meeting was discussed.  Kerry Radcliff made motion to approve the minute, Jackie Depew seconded motion, it passed 4-0. 

Denise read and discussed the recent report of officers, discussed latest sales tax, State Aid for 2025 and Health and Literacy Grant 2025.

Denise said the library received the 2025 State Aid in the amount of $13,000.  

Denise discussed Health and Literacy activities at the nursing home.

Discussion/Action about transferring some of the genealogy equipment to the museum.  Motion was made by Kerry Radcliff to approve the transfer, and Jackie Depew seconded the motion, all were in favor.

Denise discussed the Friends of the Library fund raiser at the Rotary Groundhog dinner, there was $320 made.

Discussed the application of the Dollar General Grant being submitted.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jackie Depew and seconded by Rosie Smith, motion passed 4-0.

Rosie made a motion to approve the Library Board Annual Agenda Brianna seconded the motion, all were in favor 4-0.

Motion to adjourn @4:45 by Brianna Brown to adjourn, seconded by Karen Meier. Motion passed 4-0.

Next meeting will be April 8, 2025 @ 4:00pm

See previous monthly minutes.

Beaver County Library Policies

Adopted August 2008: Revised December 13, 202

Borrowing & Checking Out

Borrower Qualifications

Age requirements for all Borrows

Borrowers must be 10 years of age and or older to apply for an individual card.

Children between the ages of 5-15 who desires to have an individual library card must be listed as the dependent of an adult’s card. Borrowers listed as the responsible party for dependents are responsible for the well-being of library materials borrowed by dependents.

Parents and guardians must use their personal cards for children 4 years of age and under.

Resident Borrower Type

Documentation Required when Applying for Library Cards

All Library Cards Expire. Librarians Will Ask Borrowers To Verify Their Residency, Contact Information And Pay Any Applicable Fees Upon Renewal On A Regular Basis.

Temporary Residents

Temporary residents may use and enjoy our free paperback section of the library.

Borrower Limits and Rules

Borrowers may only check out two books the first time using their card. The borrower will not be able to check out movies or audio books the first use of their card.

Upon second use, the borrower is able to check out 3 DVD’s, 3 audio books and/or 10 books at a time.

Borrowers are responsible for all material borrowed on their accounts. Borrowers may not use another individual’s account to borrow materials. Per the requirements of 65 O.S / A 1-105, borrowers are not privy to information regarding other borrower’s accounts, unless the borrower is listed as the responsible party.

Librarians may replace worn cards free of charge.

Borrowers within the city limits of Beaver will have a borrowing time limit of two weeks. Borrowers outside of the city limits, but within the county will have a borrowing limit of three weeks. This does not include DVD movies which have a three day limit for everyone.

Fines for Overdue Materials

Fines can add up quickly, and the library’s objective is to have its books returned and to have people note the due date of the books they have checked out. It is, therefore, advantageous to set an upper limit to book fines of $10.00 per book.

After the grace periods are over, borrower must pay the fees or pay full cost for any lost, stolen or damaged materials. Once a borrower has paid full cost for lost or damaged items, they may keep the material.

Librarians may waive charges for lost or damaged items if the borrower provides an exact replacement copy of an item. (Replacement copy must be the same edition as the items it is replacing.)

Loss of Borrowing Privileges

Borrowers with charges that exceed established amounts may not borrow additional materials.

Borrowers responsible for other cardholders will lose their borrowing privilages until all required charges have been resolved.

Inter-Library Loans (Ill)

Beaver County Pioneer Library customers who request inter-library loan for materials not owned by beaver County Pioneer Library must abide by the rules and regulations imposed by the Inter-Library Code. The lending library sets the date due and any restrictions it wishes to impose.

Borrower must pay shipping costs for Inter-Library loan materials.

If a borrower loses an inter-library loan book, the borrower must pay any and all charges imposed by the lending library.

Borrowers Privacy

Beaver County Pioneer Library’s phones are intended for staff only. Librarians may make phone calls to notify a caregiver if a child needs a ride. Children may not use the phone or ask the staff to make repeated phone calls on their behalf. STAFF MAY NOT NOTIFY ANY ONE WHO CALLS OVER THE PHONE WHO IS PRESENT IN THE LIBRARY. Beaver County Pioneer Library may not reveal this kind of information due to the safety and privacy concerns for all library patrons and to prevent interference with staff work flow. Staff may not talk about or notify borrowers library information outside of the library or to another party unless noted on their account.


The Beaver County Pioneer Library believes strong libraries make strong families and therefore strong communities. We believe everyone has the freedom to read, and a variety of formats, styles and subjects must be available to meet those needs. Therefore the following policies are set forth for choosing materials, both print and non-print.

All materials will be chosen as budget constraints allow. Priority will be given to materials that balance the viewpoint (or genres) currently in the collection and to Oklahoma authors. With the exception of filmstrips, all materials will be accepted as gift materials that meet the established criteria. (See Appendix A.)

Adult Print Materials

Fiction materials are selected based on the author’s previous demand within our library, good reviews from two (2) sources listed below, or current demand from at least six (6) patrons. High demand authors will be purchased in trade (hardback) editions or library editions; exceptionally low demand authors will be purchased as paperback. Exceptions will be made for Oklahoma authors who only publish in paperback edition.

Non-fiction: New non-fiction material will be selected according to the needs of the county, as current issues demand, according to the New York Times Bestseller List, and as public- and home-school needs arise. Other criteria for selection are the same as for fiction titles.

Review Sources

Magazines and serial publications will be purchased both for the public and for librarian use only. Those purchased for the exclusive use of the librarians will include professional journals and materials selection tools (review journals). Magazines purchased for the public should fall into one or more of the following categories: a) current issues and/or news, b) craft and/or art, c) technology, d) health, e) family, f) sports, and g) inspiration.

Large print materials will be selected using the same criteria as for adult fiction or non-fiction.

Non-Print Materials

Audiotapes: Cassette audio books will be chosen using the same criteria as adult fiction and non-fiction materials. Audio music cassettes will not be purchased due to changes in technology. Books on CD-ROM will be accepted as donations. Whenever available, music cassettes will be purchased in CD-ROM format, based on patron demand and/or awards won.

Videotapes: Videotapes will be purchased in VHS format, based on awards won for motion pictures. For non-fiction, other criteria will be the same as for adult non-fiction. Adult videos are defined as those with a PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) rating or higher, or those non-rated that deal with subject matter parents or other adults may consider inappropriate for juvenile viewers.

Kits are materials that combine a variety of media, including but not limited to print, audio, cd, and video. Adult kits will meet the criteria for adult non-fiction.

Electronic media such as computer software or CDs will be purchased based on the same criteria as adult non-fiction. Electronic books will not be purchased until patron demand necessitates doing so.

Art: Art will be accepted as gift materials, or displayed on behalf of the Beaver County Art Club.

Maps, globes, posters, and etc. will be purchased as current materials are outdated, changes occur in political/geographical world situations, or are worn beyond repair.

Filmstrips: Due to changes in technology, adult filmstrips will no longer be purchased or accepted as gift materials.

Juvenile Print Materials

Fiction: Juvenile fiction will be purchased based on reviews from two of the aforementioned review sources, awards won, or demand from at least six (6) patrons. Except for budget constraints or Oklahoma authors, all fiction books will be purchased in trade (hardback) or library binding.

Non-fiction: Juvenile non-fiction books will be purchased based on the same criteria as for adult non-fiction, with the emphasis on balancing the current collection. Special consideration will be given to award-winning material.

Juvenile Non-Print Materials

Audiotapes: Juvenile audio books will be chosen based on the same criteria as juvenile print fiction and non-fiction books. Whenever available, music will be purchased in CD-ROM format.

Video Tapes: Juvenile video tapes will be purchased in VHS format, for educational and entertainment purposes. Selection criteria will be the same as for adult videos. Juvenile videos are defined as those having a “G” (General Audience) rating, or subject matter suitable for all ages.

Kits: Juvenile kits are as defined under Adult Kits, and will meet the criteria for either juvenile fiction or non-fiction materials

Electronic Media: Electronic media such as computer software or cds will be selected based on the same criteria as juvenile fiction and non-fiction. Like adult electronic book, juvenile electronic books will not be purchased until patron demand necessitates doing so.

Gift Materials

Gifts to the library are appreciated. Money for purchase of materials will be accepted only with the understanding that the Library exercises the final responsibility for deciding which materials will be purchased. Gift funds will be spent on titles that the library could not otherwise afford. Whenever possible, the librarian will consult with the donor to ensure a mutually satisfying selection.

Gifts of materials will be accepted with the understanding that the materials will be evaluated according to the current library needs, using the same criteria as for new materials. Gifts of mass-market paperback books will be evaluated as to the needs of the collection, as determined by the criteria for adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction. The materials will then be assigned to the collection or the paperback exchange shelf, offered for sale to the public at the Friends of the Library book sales, or discarded. The library does not evaluate or appraise gifts for income tax purposes. A receipt will be given for money donated or for the number of books donated.

Guidelines for Library Gifts

Gifts are meant to enhance and upgrade library collections. Using the proceeds from the sale of donated items for the purchase of new materials or other library needs can do this. Occasionally, a special gift may be needed to meet a specific library need.

When deciding to enter used items into the collection, please carefully consider the following:

Check the automated card catalog before deciding to donate the book. If we own it please ask a librarian if we need more copies. No? Is it worth the cost of processing the book? Staff time for cataloging, processing, shelving, etc. costs the library, even when the book doesn’t. Is this book truly public library material? Could a research library or perhaps the public-school library use the material better?

Thank you for your gift to our library. Our staff appreciates your remembering our needs when determining your donation. Please remember that once you have donated the material to us, it belongs to the library. The librarians will decide the best use of the material for our library.

Challenged Materials

Occasionally someone will disagree with a book or other material selected by the librarian. Everyone has the right to disagree agreeably. If a patron challenges a specific item, the library will follow these established guidelines.

The patron will be asked to fill out and return within two weeks the “Challenged Materials Review.”

The librarian will subsequently have two weeks to review the material. The librarian will then read the completed “Challenged Materials Review” and have an additional week to meet with the patron to try and diffuse any misunderstandings.

If an agreement cannot be reached between the librarian and the patron, the Library Board will then have thirty days (30) to review the material and meet with the patron.

If an agreement cannot be reached between the Library Board of Directors and the patron, the matter will be referred to the County Commissioners of Beaver County, Oklahoma, with an additional thirty days (30) for them to review the material before meeting with the Library Board of Directors and the patron.

Internet & Computer Use

Who May Use the Internet Computers and for How Long

The Beaver County Pioneer Library considers the use of any Library computer to constitute an acceptance of this internet policy. Public and staff may use the computers only for ethical and legal purposes.

There will be no right to view offensive matter in the Beaver County Pioneer Library and violation of this will be due cause for permanently losing internet and computer usage.

Internet users are limited to 2 separate 1 hour sessions per day or at the discretion of the staff. When usage is extremely heavy, the sessions may be shortened.

Children age 15 years and older may use the computers without supervision. Library staff is not always available to supervise your child. Please do not rely on library staff as adult supervision.

Children 14 and younger must be supervised by an adult and/or have written permission of parent/guardian.

Any internet user may be asked to finish a session if others are waiting to use a computer.

A sign-up sheet is provided to maintain fairness in order and time of use. All patrons must sign in and out when using the internet computers.

Violation of any part of this policy may result in the user being denied access privileges. Length of denied time will be determined by library procedures.

Students have first priority when working on school work or school projects!

Internet Safety

The Beaver County Pioneer Library cannot control the information available over the Internet and is not responsible for its content. The Internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view. Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete or current, and some may be offensive to you.

The Internet does allow the library to provide information that is personally, culturally and professionally enriching. The library does provide easy links to selected sites which we believe are authoritative and reliable via our Web site.

Safety is an important consideration for anyone who accesses the Internet, but especially for children. It is possible that children could access information that is inappropriate or harmful to them. Beaver County Pioneer Library employs a filter to protect against and to restrict access to this type of information.

Beaver County Pioneer Library affirms the rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians to supervise the choices of their children. Therefore, Beaver County Pioneer Library assumes no responsibility for use of the Internet by children.

Since the Internet can be unsafe and insecure, a child should never request, disclose, use, or disseminate personal information without parental/guardian authorization. All users should be aware that personal information might not be secure. This includes e-mail and other forms of direct electronic communication such as social networking sites.

Rules for Use

Use of the computers for activities such as: hacking, sending, receiving, or displaying of obscene text or images, is illegal and prohibited. OKLAHOMA STATUTE TITLE 21, CHAPTER 39, SECTION 1040.76

All technical efforts are taken to ensure that the county wide area networking and Internet filter are working at all times. However, when severe weather or technical difficulties out of the realm of library staff intervenes, these services may be down for a period of time.

Emergency Procedures

The Library Director will be responsible for addressing the media in any library emergency. The Director will notify the Beaver County Commissioners Office as soon as possible.


During Library Hours: All Library employees and any patrons inside the library when tornado sirens are sounded will proceed to the safety of the vault. The Library Staff will ensure the safety of all patrons. Books and materials may be replaced. Lives are not replaceable. Patrons and staff may leave the vault upon the “all clear” signal. The safety and integrity of the building structure will be the same as a tornado occurring after Library hours.

After Library Hours: The Library Director will inspect the premises of the Library as soon as possible. After determining the safety of the building and/or assessing any damage, the Director will inform the County Commissioners’ office of any structural, material or other damage to the building. Once the building is deemed safe, the Library will open for regular hours. If the structure is deemed unsafe, the Director will, with the County Commissioners, determine any repairs to be made and schedule a date to reopen.


During Library Hours: Safety of the Library staff and patrons is of the utmost importance. A small fire which may be contained and extinguished by the fire extinguishers located at the doors of the Library may be extinguished by the Library staff. If the fire is not then contained and/or extinguished, the Library Direcotr is responsible for seeing all staff and patrons exit the building immediately. The Library staff will meet at the west door of the County courthouse. The Library Director will report the fire to the city fire department and the County Commissioners’ office and assist in damage assessment.

After Library Hours: The Library Director will inspect the premises of the Library as soon as possible. After determining the safety fo the building and/or assessing any damage, the Director will inform the county Commissioners’ office of any structural, material or other damage to the building. If the building is safe, the Library will open for regular hours. If the structure is unsafe, the Director will, withe County Commissioners, determine any repairs to be made and schedule a date to reopen.


If a medical emergency occurs at any time during regular Library hours, the Library staff will call 911 for emergency services. Every effort will be made to assist the family of the injured person.


In the event of flooding and/or water damage, the Library Director will inspect the premises of the Library as soon as possible. After determining the safety of the building and/or assessing any damage, the Director will inform the County Commissioners’ office of any structural, material or other damage to the building. If the building is deemed safe, the Library will open for regular hours. If the structure is deemed unsafe, the Director will, with the County Commissioners determine any repairs to be made and schedule a date to reopen.

Terrorist/Bomb Threat

Safety of the Library staff and patrons is of the utmost importance. In the event of any terrorist or bomb threat, whether personal (suicide bomber) or a purported conventional bomb placed within the building, 911 will be called immediately. I a library staff member is able to inform the 911 dispatcher the phone line should left open, where the dispatcher may hear any conversation between the Library Staff and a suspected terrorist/bomber.

In the event of a phoned or written (non-suicide or conventional) bomb threat, the Library Director is responsible for seeing all staff and patrons leave the building immediately. The Library staff will meet at the west door of the County Courthouse. The Library Director will report the bomb threat to the city fire and police departments and the County Commissioners office, and assist in damage assessment.

Airborn or Waterborn Contaminants

In the event of threat to the public health through air born or water born contaminants, the Library will immediately close until such threat is past. Safety of the Library staff and patrons is of the utmost imprtance This policy does not refer to seasonal diseases such as the flu, but instead addresses direct, aggressive threats to the public health or the health of all staff and patrons leave the building immediately. The Library staff will meet at the west door of the County Courthouse and if possible call the city fire and police departments and the County Commissioner’s office and assist in damage assessment.

Behavior in the Library

Behavior Policy

The Beaver County Pioneer Library wants its library to be a place where staff and patrons are secure. A public library is for such as reading, research and study. The library staff is ahere to assure the safety of the Library’s customers and staff. No one will be allowed to engage in behavior that disturbs others.

The Library Board authorizes the staff to prepare guidelines for behavior within the library and to enforce the guidelines. The guidelines will include the possibility of temporary or permanent removal of borrowers who are disruptive, dangerous or rude.

Library staff members should not hesitate to call for police or sheriff’s assistance if the feel the need.

Under Library Rules & Guidelines the items below are prohibited:

If the offense is serious or frequent, the Library will enforce its rules by asking the individual (s) to leave library property or call law enforcement for help.

Package Control

To assure the safety of the Library’s customers and staff, it is necessary to prevent anyone from bringing a weapon, a bomb, or other harmful things into the building. The policy on package control is designed to prohibit such items from being brought in while allowing customers as much freedom as possible.

The staff on duty at the circulation desk will observe persons coming into the Library and determine if items they are bringing in are allowable.

Allowable: Book bags, diaper bags, brief cases, purses, shopping bags…

Not allowed: guns, baseball bats, gun cases, knives or anything else that looks like a serious weapon.

Customers that are attempting to bring in non-allowable items, staff will immediately advise the customers of the policies.

Children in the Library

Children in the Library

Beaver County Pioneer Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming and safe environment for customers of all ages. Sharing this environment with other people requires that everyone follow the Rules and Regulations for Library Patron Policy which is for review on our website.

The Beaver County Pioneer Library wants children to use its facilities and services. The guidelines below are meant to ensure a safe and positive environment for children, as well as to ensure that their use does not interfere with the use of library services by other library users.

Library Staff

Should always respond with care and concern for the well-being of children, although they cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or are demonstrating inappropriate behavior. Staff members have many duties and cannot supervise children using the library rests with the parent, guardian, or caregiver. Staff should NEVER yell at, touch, or pick up a child. Library staff who suspects child abuse should contact DHS after contacting and discussing this issue with their immediate library supervisor.

Children’s Area

There are designated areas in the Library for children and are intended for the use of children and caregiver’s present with their children. Children are allowed to produce a little more noise in these areas, as long as the noise remains at an acceptable level established at the discretion of the library staff. The use of the children’s areas is open to the use of the general public.

If an adult or teen is disrupting or threatening the use of the children’s area, the person will be prohibited from the children’s area. An incident report will be filled out and given to the appropriate supervisor. Should a borrower who has been banned from the children’s area need material from the children’s area, Library staff will retrieve requested material from that area.

Preschool Children

Should be in sight of and supervised by a parent/caregiver at all times. A responsible caregiver must be at least thirteen years old. When preschool children are left alone, they may become frightened or anxious. If they wander through the building they may encounter hazards such as doors, furniture, shelving and/or electrical equipment. They may also become bored and restless and could disturb the enjoyment of others.

If a child in the age group uses inappropriate behavior, the child and the parent/caregiver will be informed of the rules. If inappropriate behavior continues, the family may be asked to leave the library for the day. When a preschool child is found unattended, library staff should make a reasonable effort to find and notify the child’s caregiver. If the caregiver cannot be found, staff will contact law enforcement to pick up the child.

School Children Up To Age 10

Must have a parent or caregiver in the immediate vicinity unless they are participating in a library program. A caregiver must be at least thirteen years old. Parents or caregivers who do not attend programs are still responsible for their children and must remain in the library during the program.

If a child in this age group uses inappropriate behavior continues, the family may be asked to leave the library for the day. When a child within this age group is found unattended, library staff should make a reasonable effort to contact the child’s caregiver. If the caregiver cannot be notified or does not arrive within fifteen minutes, staff will contact law enforcement to pick up the child.j

Children Age 10-16

May use the library unattended for an amount of time appropriate to their age and behavior at the discretion of the library staff. It is important for staff to take note of disruptions caused by children who apparently are unaccompanied. Parents or caregivers are still responsible for the behavior of their children. Children using inappropriate behavior will be informed of the rules, as might the caregivers if the caregiver is present in the library. If inappropriate behavior continues, the child will be asked to leave the library.

If a child in this age group is not able to leave the library without a caregiver, he/she should not be in the library alone. However, librarians may make a reasonable attempt to notify the caregiver so that the child may be picked up. If a caregiver is coming to pick up a child who has been asked to leave the library, the child must wait outside the library except for instances of inclement weather. Repeated inappropriate behavior may result in a suspension of privileges for several days. If a child refuses to leave or attempts to disrupt the library environment from outside the building, law enforcement will be contacted to discuss the problem with the child and, if necessary, pick him up.

When a Child Is Leaving the Library

Staff may call a child’s caregiver and ask for a ride on the behalf of the child if asked to. Under no circumstances should a librarian offer an unattended child a ride home, if a librarian is concerned with the safety of a child without a ride, law enforcement should be contacted.

Closing Time

Is strictly enforced by Library staff. Staff will not be present after closing time. If children need to call for a ride, they should ask staff to call caregiver before closing hours. If a librarian is concerned with the safety of a child without a ride, law enforcement should be contacted.


To Parents and Guardians

Your child’s library card is a passport to the wonders of books and stories. We welcome your child as a library borrower and hope that using the public library becomes an enjoyable lifetime habit. Children five years of age and older may have a card, but the application must be signed by you, the parent or guardian.

Please take a moment to discuss with your child the advantages of using the library, and the responsibility that goes with being a library cardholder. A child is issued a library card when the parent or guardian has agreed to let him/her use the library and its materials.

By signing your child’s card application you agree that:

Your child has access to all library materials unless otherwise noted on the application (i.e. age-appropriate materials only, no adult content).

While the library may suggest different titles for age appropriate reading, it remains the parent or guardians responsibility to select specific materials for their children. Librarians are available to help families locate items that fit their personal tastes, interests and values.

If a parent or guardian does not want his/her child to have access to any of the above materials, the parent or guardian will need to discuss the restrictions with the child in the context of their parent-child relationship. A parent or guardian may withdraw the childs card at any time. The library staff will then delete the childs record so that the childs access to the library is through the parent or guardian.

Your child agrees to abide by all library rules.

Parents and guardians are responsible for their juvenile children (under age 18) while their children are at the library. Children who are unable to look out for their own safety shall not be left unattended at the library. In no event may children under 7 years of age be left unattended at the library. We want everyone to enjoy his or her visit.

We are pleased to have your child as a library user and we hope to see you often. Kids who read Succeed! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask the library staff.

Denise Janko, Librarian

Oklahoma Library Laws, Rules and Regulations

Laws & Regulations Affecting Okla Libraries