Library Services
Check Outs – No more than:
3 DVDs
3 Audios
10 Books
Looking for something that we don’t have at the library? We may be able to borrow that book or movie from another library. Ask us how.
Get all the details about borrowing and checking out.
Internet and Computers
You must sign in to use the library’s computers.
Time Limits: 2 separate 1-hour sessions.
14 & under must be supervised.
Read the full policy on Internet & Computer Use.
Faxing and Copying
Copies and Printing
Fees per sheet of Paper:
$1.00 per sheet
As of August 27, 2015, by recommendation of Beaver County Sheriff, Beaver County Pioneer Library may no longer make personal outside copies of driver’s license, social security cards, immigration cards, birth certificates or any other form of personal official identification.
Sending & Receiving Faxes
Faxing may be done in the Library at any time during open hours by library staff.
Faxing Fees:
$5.00 for 1 to 4 pages
$1.00 for additional pages
International faxing is not available.
Get a Library Card
Any adult who is a resident of Beaver County may apply for a card.
Fill out an application.
Have a valid photo ID with current phone number and address.
Children may apply with consent from parent.
Borrowing & Checking Out
Borrower Qualifications
Age requirements for all Borrows
Borrowers must be 10 years of age and or older to apply for an individual card.
Children between the ages of 5-15 who desires to have an individual library card must be listed as the dependent of an adult’s card. Borrowers listed as the responsible party for dependents are responsible for the well-being of library materials borrowed by dependents.
Parents and guardians must use their personal cards for children 4 years of age and under.
Resident Borrower Type
Lives in Beaver County.
Lives outside Beaver County, by physically works in Beaver County. (This type of qualification applies to only the individual working in the area, but not the individual’s entire household.)
Documentation Required when Applying for Library Cards
A government issued photo ID listing the physical address in Beaver County, AND one of the following secondary documents:
Current utility bill (current within the last 30 days)
Current official rent receipt
Current imprinted checkbook
Pay stub from a place of employment located in Beaver County
All Library Cards Expire. Librarians Will Ask Borrowers To Verify Their Residency, Contact Information And Pay Any Applicable Fees Upon Renewal On A Regular Basis.
Temporary Residents
Temporary residents may use and enjoy our free paperback section of the library.
Borrower Limits and Rules
Borrowers may only check out two books the first time using their card. The borrower will not be able to check out movies or audio books the first use of their card.
Upon second use, the borrower is able to check out 3 DVD’s, 3 audio books and/or 10 books at a time.
Borrowers are responsible for all material borrowed on their accounts. Borrowers may not use another individual’s account to borrow materials. Per the requirements of 65 O.S / A 1-105, borrowers are not privy to information regarding other borrower’s accounts, unless the borrower is listed as the responsible party.
Librarians may replace worn cards free of charge.
Borrowers within the city limits of Beaver will have a borrowing time limit of two weeks. Borrowers outside of the city limits, but within the county will have a borrowing limit of three weeks. This does not include DVD movies which have a three day limit for everyone.
Fines for Overdue Materials
Books: 3 day grace period, then .15 a day.
Audio Books: 3 day grace period, then .20 a day.
DVD movies: 2 day grace period, then .20 a day.
Fines can add up quickly, and the library’s objective is to have its books returned and to have people note the due date of the books they have checked out. It is, therefore, advantageous to set an upper limit to book fines of $10.00 per book.
After the grace periods are over, borrower must pay the fees or pay full cost for any lost, stolen or damaged materials. Once a borrower has paid full cost for lost or damaged items, they may keep the material.
Librarians may waive charges for lost or damaged items if the borrower provides an exact replacement copy of an item. (Replacement copy must be the same edition as the items it is replacing.)
Loss of Borrowing Privileges
Borrowers with charges that exceed established amounts may not borrow additional materials.
Borrowers responsible for other cardholders will lose their borrowing privilages until all required charges have been resolved.
Inter-Library Loans (Ill)
Beaver County Pioneer Library customers who request inter-library loan for materials not owned by beaver County Pioneer Library must abide by the rules and regulations imposed by the Inter-Library Code. The lending library sets the date due and any restrictions it wishes to impose.
Borrower must pay shipping costs for Inter-Library loan materials.
If a borrower loses an inter-library loan book, the borrower must pay any and all charges imposed by the lending library.
Borrowers Privacy
Beaver County Pioneer Library’s phones are intended for staff only. Librarians may make phone calls to notify a caregiver if a child needs a ride. Children may not use the phone or ask the staff to make repeated phone calls on their behalf. STAFF MAY NOT NOTIFY ANY ONE WHO CALLS OVER THE PHONE WHO IS PRESENT IN THE LIBRARY. Beaver County Pioneer Library may not reveal this kind of information due to the safety and privacy concerns for all library patrons and to prevent interference with staff work flow. Staff may not talk about or notify borrowers library information outside of the library or to another party unless noted on their account.